May 4. 2024. 11:08

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Next-generation farming, sowing the seeds of data-driven agritech success

From seeds to satellites, agriculture has come a very long way. Today’s farms increasingly deploy drone technology, 5G mobility, and soil monitoring solutions from the deep tech sector.

Farmers are adapting to AI as the agrifood and tech sectors blend ripe innovations.

AI and robotic solutions are serving up solutions to manage staff shortages in seasonal farming and promise some recourse for the exodus from the farming community.

A new generation of agritech is sowing new seeds peppered with data and microprocessors.

This Special Report looks at the role of AI and agritech in creating a new, prosperous, climate-led generation of farmers.

  • Next generation farming powered with AI product innovation

    News | Advocacy Lab Content | Agrifood 24-04-2024

    Est. 5min

    Europe’s agri sector is under pressure. Farmers are taking heat for the climate crisis, trying to keep their heads above flood water, deal with extreme weather events, and keep pace with changes in consumer demand. AI may help.