May 4. 2024. 11:53

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Frontline and facing forward, the EESC’s next generation strategy

2024 brings a new European Union mandate and a multitude of challenges. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) plans to be increasingly visible and relevant as the EU navigates climate and technological change, and the employment challenges they will bring.

The EESC’s president, Oliver Röpke, has been in office for one year, launching a bold manifesto and taking a fresh approach to enlargement. With an ambitious agenda, he seeks to strengthen the position of the EESC in the frontline of EU politics.

This Special Report looks closely at the EESC as it deploys its next-generation strategy.

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  • Oliver Röpke’s big tent approach in his first year as EESC president

    News | Advocacy Lab Content | Economy 23-04-2024

    Est. 6min

    After one year in office, the launch of a bold manifesto including the voices of youth, an emphasis on gender equality, and a fresh approach to enlargement, Oliver Röpke, President of the EESC is making waves with a Blue Deal.