September 20. 2024. 3:41

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Commission and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development launch joint facility mobilizing up to €100 million for critical raw materials investments

These raw materials are essential for the EU’s digital and green transitions. The EU supports developing sustainable projects for critical raw materials (CRM) to reduce the risk of potential supply chain disruptions, ensuring that industrial sectors have the necessary resources while maintaining EU environmental and social standards.

The new joint facility will support the objectives of the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act and the REPowerEU Plan. The EU contribution amounts to €25m from the Horizon Europe Programme, matched by another €25m from the EBRD, with the joint facility aiming to leverage a further €50m.

The facility leverages the EBRD’s extensive experience in financing mining projects, facilitating early-stage equity investments in operations within EU member states and EBRD countries outside of the EU covered by the Horizon Europe programme. The facility will fund responsible exploration activities delivered under high climate, governance, environmental, and social standards, aligned with the EBRD’s rigorous Paris Agreement and Environmental and Social Policy screening.

More information is available in the press release.

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