September 18. 2024. 6:40

The Daily

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Rise in drowning fatalities in 2021

In 2021, there were 5 004 deaths by drowning and submersion in the EU, 532 more than in 2020 (4 472). The share of drownings and submersion fatalities out of all accidental deaths also rose slightly from 2.9% in 2020 to 3.1% in 2021. However, this share was considerably lower than the 4.2% recorded in 2011, reflecting an almost steady decrease over the past 10 years.

1,033 drowning deaths in Romania

In 2021, among EU countries, the highest number of drowning and submersion deaths was reported in Romania (1,033), 21% of all drowning fatalities in the EU. France (653), Poland (466) and Germany (457) followed at a distance. The lowest numbers were recorded in Luxembourg (one), Malta (three) and Cyprus (nine).

In 2021, drowning deaths among males were more than twice as high as those among females in nearly all EU countries. The only exceptions were Austria (33 males, 19 females) and Malta (one male and two females).

For more information

  • Statistics Explained article on cause of death statistics
  • Thematic section on health
  • Database on health

Methodological note

Number of deaths refers to all deaths of residents in or outside their home country.

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