April 29. 2024. 3:31

The Daily

Read the World Today

The fallacy of sovereignty

For the third time in the last six years, the Orbán regime is attempting to delegitimize political and social opposition, civil society organizations and initiatives, and ultimately all organizations over which it has no control. The leader of the Fidesz parliamentary group, Máté Kocsis, made no secret of the fact that the law aims to disempower "left-wing journalists and pseudo-civils", which paints a very worrying picture of how the Fidesz government thinks about institutions independent of government overreach.

The clear intention of this Putin-style draft bill is to make the independent press and civil society, and to exclude and stigmatise civic organizations to an extent that draws worrying parallels with the practices of totalitarian regimes.

For a comprehensive understanding of the recent legislative proposal in Hungary, which could impose up to three years in prison for parties and candidates accepting foreign funding, we encourage our readers to explore this detailed analysis: Hungarian parties and candidates who accept money from abroad could face up to three years in prison. This article offers in-depth insights into the implications and potential impacts of this significant political development.

Action for Democracy is a (A4D) is a US based 501.(c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan organization funded through donations from individuals and foundations. Our advisory board comprises globally recognized scholars, diplomats, and public figures. For more information, visit the website.


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